Publication List (Tomio Obokata)

小保方富夫 業績

May 2009

(1) Books (著書)

1)     藤井昭一・小保方富夫;  1. 基本的計測、 1.2 流れの計測、 d レーザ流速計、 八田、浅沼、松木 「内燃機関計測ハンドブック」、 朝倉書店(1979-5) 29-45

2)     小保方富夫・中谷 ; ガス流速、 文部省特定研究「自動車の排気浄化に関する基礎研究」成果編集委員会編、 「自動車エンジンの排気浄化」、 丸善(1980-3) 262-266

3)     Obokata, T; LDV Measurements of Gas Flow Velocities in Spark Ignition Engines (The Application of Laser Doppler Velocimetry), Association of the Study of Flow Measurements Power Co., Ltd. Tokyo(1984) 105-126 

4)     小保方富夫; 3-6 レーザ流速計、 「技術資料、流体計測法」、 日本機械学会(1985-8) 147-149 及び 151-152

5)     小保方富夫;  B-7-7-3 ガス流動の測定、 (新版) 機械工学便覧、 内燃機関」、日本機械学会(1985-10)、 184-185

6)     小保方富夫;  エンジンシリンダ内のガス流動、 (1) シリンダ内旋回流速のLDV測定、 (1) 噴霧および噴霧周囲気体流速の測定、 「燃焼のレーザ計測とモデリング」 日本機械学会-丸善(1987-3) 307-313 347-348 364-366 

7)     Obokata, T. and Hanada, N.;   Gas Velocity and Turbulence Measurement in a Spark Ignition Engine Using a LDA with a Fiber-Optic Pick-UpLaser Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion, Springer-Verlag (1987-12) 251-258

8)     Obokata, T., and Nakatani, N.; 6.6.4 Gas Velocity Measurements, (edit. Hirao, O., Pefley, : Present and Future Automotive Fuels Performance and Exhaust Clarification), John Wiley and Sons, (1988), 382-387

9)     小保方富夫; エンジン内流れの解析,「流れの可視化 今・昔」、可視化情報学会(1993-2)184-185.

10) 小保方富夫:エンジンの中に手が届く,群馬大学工学部広報室編「工学の世界」,桐生タイムス(1993pp.88-89

11) 小保方富夫; B4. LDV法(適用技術、応用例),編集委員会編「レーザ計測ハンドブック」、丸善(1993-9)177-181, 188-193.184-185.

12) 小保方富夫, 測定法・試験法(火花放電法、レーザドップラー流速計),古濱他編,「エンジンの事典」、朝倉書店(1994)823-834

13) 大沢敏彦・小保方富夫(共著),レーザ計測(現在10版)、裳華房(1994)

14) 小保方富夫(分担),日本液体微粒化学会編,アトマイゼーションテクノロジー,粒径の光学的計測法,森北出版(2001-11),pp.51-59.

15) 小保方富夫,レーザ計測とシミュレーション−エンジン開発を支援する,北関東産官学研究会編「未来を拓く」,上毛新聞社(2003),pp.86-88

16) 小保方富夫(分担),レーザー学会編,レーザーハンドブック,W編,25章,レーザー工業計測,2513 燃焼・流体測定,[レーザー流速計],オーム社(2005),pp.563-568

17) 小保方富夫(分担),日本エネルギー学会編,エネルギー・環境キーワード辞典,担当11項目,コロナ社(2005).


(2) Printed papers in transactions (論文)

1)     川合一郎・小保方富夫・浅沼強; 層流形流量計による間欠気流の測定(第1報: 瞬間流量の測定)  日本機械会論文集、 38-306(1972-2) 295-302

2)     小保方富夫・川合一郎・浅沼 ; 層流形流量計による間欠気流の測定(第2報: 瞬間流量の比較・検定) 日本機械学会論文集、 38-306 (1972-2) 303-309

3)     小保方富夫・岡島 厚・谷田好通;  熱線の動特性に関する数値実験(脈動流における円柱まわりの流れと熱伝達) 日本機械学会論文集、 43-367(1977-3) 1103-1114

4)     Asanuma, T. and Obokata, T.; Gas Velocity Measurements of a Motored and Firing Engine by Laser Anemometry SAE Transactions 88-1(1979-2/1980) No.790096 401-409 reproduced to “Automotive Engineering 87-12(1979-12) 61-67”.

5)     浅沼 強・小保方富夫;  レーザ・ドップラー流速計 によるシリンダ内スキッシュ流の測定、 日本機械学会論文集、 45-391(1979-3) 395-403

6)     小保方富夫・浅沼 ; 火花点火機関の燃焼室内におけるガス流動 (第1報: 副燃焼室トーチ噴流のレーザ流速計による測定) 日本機械学会論文集B、 48-436(1982-12) 2636-2644

7)     小保方富夫・柄沢隆夫・稲葉寛一・浅沼 ; 管内気流に誘導される液流速度のLDVによる測定(第2報: 非定常流の場合)   自動車技術会論文集、 No.25(1982-12) 62-69

8)     小保方富夫・柄沢隆夫・浅沼 ;  管内気流に誘導される液流速度のLDVによる測定(第1報: 定常流の場合) 自動車技術会論文集、 No.26(1983-7) 98-105

9)     小保方富夫;  空間フィルタによる気泡流及び噴霧流の流速測定、 自動車技術会論文集、 No.26(1983-7) 90-97

10) 小保方富夫・松尾典孝・平野嘉男;  小形二サイクル火花点火機関における管内流のLDVによる測定、 日本機械学会論文集 B、 50-450(1984-2) 504-512(日本機械学会賞受賞論文)

11) Obokata, T., Matuo, N. and Hirano, Y.; LDVMeasurements of Pipe Flows in a Small-Two-Cycle Spark-Ignition Engine SAE Transactions 93(1984-3/1985), No.840425 3.219-3.228. 

12) Obokata, T.; Application of Laser Doppler Anemometer with Fiber Optics to an Internal Combustion Engine (Real Time Measurement of Fluctuating Flow Velocity in an Intake Pipe) JSAE Review No.16(1985-4) 20-26.

²  小保方富夫; 光ファイバレーザ流速計の内燃機関への適用、 自動車技術会論文集、 No.30 (1985-6) 23-29.

13) 小保方富夫・花田尚喜・倉林俊雄;  小形二サイクル火花点火機関における燃焼室内ガス流速のLDA測定 (1報、 光ファイバ流速ピックアップの構成と平均流速の測定) 日本機械学会論文集  B、53-488(1987-4)  1496-1502

²  Obokata, T., Hanada, N., and Kurabayashi, T.;   Velocity and Turbulence Measurements in a Combustion Chamber of S.I. Engine under Motored and Firing Operations by L.D.A. with Fiber-Optic Pick-Up SAE Transactions 96(1987-2/1988) No.870166 1-18.

14) 小保方富夫・花田尚喜・倉林俊雄;  小形二サイクル火花点火機関における燃焼室内ガス流速のLDA測定 (2報、 定常的時間平均法による乱れ特性の評価) 日本機械学会論文集 B、53-495(1987-11) 3465-3472

15) 高橋秀夫・小保方富夫;  気化器絞り弁まわりの流れに関する研究(絞り弁まわりの流れの可視化) 自動車技術会論文集 No.37(1988-1) 12-17

16) Obokata, T., Hanada, N., Kuwahara, H. and Kurabayashi, T.;  Laser Doppler Anemometer Measurement of Gas Flow in the Wedge Type Combustion Chamber of a Two-Cycle S. I. Engine Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers C48/88 (1988-3) 213-223.

17) 小保方富夫・花田尚喜・桑原秀樹・倉林俊雄; 小形二サイクル火花点火機関における 燃焼室内ガス流速の LDA測定 (3報、 燃焼室形状のガス流動と燃焼への影響) 日本機械学会論文集 B、54-505(1988-9)2687-2693

18) 小保方富夫・柄沢隆夫・倉林俊雄;  四サイクル火花点火機関における燃焼室内ガス流速のLDA測定 (1報、 駆動運転におけるガス流動特性) 日本機械学会論文集  B、 54-505 (1988-9) 2680-2686

19) 小保方富夫・高橋秀夫・稲葉寛一;  ディ−ゼル噴霧と導入空気流速のレーザ・ドップラー流速計による測定、自動車技術会論文集、  No.39(1988-9) 18-23

20) 小保方富夫・Bopp, STropea, C;  2点相関測定用アダプタ付光ファイバLDAプローブ、 日本機械学会論文集、 B、55-513 (1989-5) 14901493

²  Obokata, T., Bopp, S and Tropea, C;  Two-Point Adapter for LDA Probe Using Multi-mode Fibers. (Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Selected Papers), Springer-Verlag, (1991), 347-363.

21) 橋本徹・小保方富夫・和久忠・高橋秀夫; ディーゼル噴霧と導入空気流の乱流特性、自動車技術会論文集、No.40(1990)1520 

22) 細谷肇・小保方富夫; 高速噴霧流と周囲流の流動特性(第1報、定常噴霧流の場合)、日本機械学会論文集 B、58548(19924)12521258

23) 小保方富夫・橋本徹・五十木慎一・柄沢隆夫・志賀聖一・倉林俊雄; 四サイクル火花点火機関における燃焼室内ガス流速のLDA測定 (第2報、ガス流動に対する燃焼の影響)、日本機械学会論文集 B,58-550(1992-6)20362040

24) Obokata, THashimoto, TGojuki, SKarasawa, TShiga, SKurabayashi, T: LDA Characterization of Gas Flow in a Combustion Chamber of a Four-Stroke S. I. Engine, SAE Transactions, Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol.101 (1993), SAE Paper No. 920519, 1-18.

25) 細谷肇・小保方富夫; 高速噴霧流と周囲流の流動特性(第2報、ノズル形状の影響),日本機械学会論文集B,59-565(1993)2897-2905

26) 細谷肇、 小保方富夫; ディーゼル噴霧流の流速と粒径分布に及ぼすノズル形状と噴射条件の影響, 自動車技術会論文集,25-3(1994), 52-57.

27) 隆武強、大塚博行、小保方富夫; レーザドップラー法によるディーゼル機関用傘状噴霧流の特性解析, (第1報、位相ドップラー法による粒径分布の解析).日本機械学会論文集(B編),60-576(1994), 2917-2923.

²  Long, W.-Q, Ohtsuka, H. and Obokata, T.,  Characterization of Conical Spray Flow for Diesel Engine by Means of Laser Doppler Methods (PDA Measurement of Droplet Size distribution),  JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol.39, No.3(1996), 554-561.

28) 石間経章,小山哲司、田中秀昭,小保方富夫,真下亨,小林一光;エアーアシストインジェクタ噴霧流のPDA測定と評価, 日本機械学会論文集(B編),61-585(1995 ), 1935-1941.

29) 武田親士,太田祐司,石間経章,石井清,小保方富夫,一入射光参照光型LDAによるシリンダ内軸方向流速の測定,日本機械学会論文集(B編),61-592(1995), 4498-4503.

²  Takeda, C., Ohta, Y., Ishima., Ishii, K. and Obokata., Measurement of Axial Flow Velocity in Cylinder of Reciprocating Engine by Single Incidence-Beam Reference-Mode LDA, JSME International Journal, Series B, Vol. 40, No.3 (1997), 494-500.

30) Obokata, T., Ishima, T., Koyama, K., Uehara, K., Kobayashi, K. and Mashimo, T. Characterization of Spray Flows Initiated from Air Assisted Injector Using Phase Doppler AnemometerLaser Anemometry -1995-, FED-Vol.229 (1995), ASME, 319-339.

31) 隆武強、石間経章、小保方富夫,レーザドップラー法によるディーゼル機関用傘状噴霧流の特性解析,(第2報、LDA法による速度分布の解析).日本機械学会論文集(B編),62-596(1996), 1260-1267

32) Obokata, T., Long, W.-Q. and Ishima, T., PDA and LDA Measurements of Large Angle Hollow Cone Spray Proposed for Hot-Premixed Combustion Type Diesel Engine, SAE Transactions, Vol. 105., pp. 1071-1084 (1996).

33) Obokata, T., Ishima, T., Uehara, K., Koyama, K., Kobayashi, K. and Tsukagoshi, M., Characterization of Spray Flows under High Fuel Temperature Using Phase Doppler Anemometer, Selected Paper of Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Applications of Laser techniques to Fluid Mechanics, “Developments in Laser Techniques and Fluid Mechanics”, Springer(1997), pp.495-508.

34) Ismailov, M., Ishima T., Takeda, C., Obokata T., Tsukagoshi M. and Kobayashi K. Visualization and Measurements of Sub-Millisecond Transient Spray Dynamics Applicable to Direct Injection Gasoline Engine, Part 1: Visualization of Spray using High Speed Video Camera and Laser Sheet Technique", JSME International Journal, Series B., 41-4 (1998), pp.983-990.

35) 石間経章,小山哲司,上原宏一,小保方富夫,アルコール燃焼噴霧での粒径測定,微粒化,7-20(1998)pp. 442-448

36) X. Yang, T. Ishima and T. Obokata, High Speed Video Recording of Fog-Marked Scavenging Flow in a Motored Poppet-Valved Two-Stroke Engine, SAE Transactions Vol. 106, Paper No. 972736 (1997-9), Society of Automotive Engineers, (1998), pp. 23-36.

37) Liu, Z.-B, Obokata, T. and Reitz, R.D., Modeling Drop Drag Effects on Fuel Spray Impingement in Direct Injection Diesel Engines, SAE Paper No. 970879(1997), pp.9-22. SAE Transactions Journal of Engines Volume 106 (1998).

38) Ismailov, M., Durst F. and Obokata T., "LDA Flow Rate Measurements Applied for Analysis of Transient Injection Characteristics", JSME International Journal, Series B, 42-1(1999), JSME, 22-29.

39) Ismailov, M., Ishima T., Obokata T, Tsukagoshi M. and Kobayashi K. "Visualization and Measurements of Sub-Millisecond Transient Spray Dynamics Applicable to Direct Injection Gasoline Engine, Part 2: PDA Measurements and Analysis of Instantaneous Spray Flow Patterns", JSME International Journal, Series B, 42-1(1999), JSME, 30-38.

40) Ismailov, M., Ishima T., Obokata T, Tsukagoshi M. and Kobayashi K. "Visualization and Measurements of Sub-Millisecond Transient Spray Dynamics Applicable to Direct Injection Gasoline Engine, Part 3: Measurements of Instantaneous and Integrated Flow Rates in High Pressure Injection System using LDA-Based Meter", JSME International Journal, Series B, 42-1(1999), JSME, 39-47.

41) 隆武強,村上顕,浜純,小保方富夫,改良傘状噴霧の空間分散性の検討,自動車技術会論文集,30-1(1999)No.993027027-32

42) Ismailov, M., Obokata, T., Kobayashi, K. and Polayev, V. "LDA/PDA Measurements of Instantaneous Basic Characteristics of Fuel Injection and Swirl Spray", J. of Experiments in Fluids, 27-1 (1999-6), pp.1-11.

43) 石間経章,隆武強,細谷肇,小保方富夫,Log-Hyperbolic 粒径分布関数の間欠燃料噴霧への適用性,微粒化,8-231999),pp. 121-129

44) 周斌, H.T.C.Machacon, 志賀聖一, 譚達明, 柄澤隆夫, 小保方富夫, 中村寿雄, ニューラルネットワークの手法を用いた吸気ガス組成によるエンジン性能制御とその予測,  日本機械学会論文集, (B編 )66-644(2000), pp.1223-1229.

45) 石間経章,イスマイル M. ヨゼフ,小保方富夫,静止水中に噴出される固液混相噴流の粒子運動,日本機械学会論文集 (B編 ) 67-654(2001), pp.370-376.

46) Yang, X. , Okajima, A., Obokata. T. and Long, W., Comparison of Computed and Measured High-Pressure Conical Diesel Sprays, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Transactions - Journal of Engines, 2001, Paper No. 2000-01-0951, pp. 1-10.

47) 高橋易資,野村友和,石間経章, 小保方富夫,PCC法による直方体周りの流れのシミュレーションと実験による検証,(直方体が斜めの場合),日本機械学会論文集(B編),68-6662002),pp. 331-337

48) 西川剛弘,西川弘,小保方富夫,石間経章,多段高圧往復圧縮機の特性に関する研究,日本機械学会論文集B編,Vol.68 No.673, pp2614-2621 (2002).

49) 松浦 崇史,早川 栄治,小林 一光,志賀 聖一,中村 壽雄,小保方富夫,石間経章,筒内直接噴射ガソリンエンジンの燃焼に及ぼす燃料噴射率と燃料性状の影響,自動車技術会論文集,33-4, (2002-10), pp.45-50.

50) 江黒 陽介,松田 智之,小保方 富夫,石間 経章,志賀 聖一,劉 伝李,楊 笑風,村上 顕,隆 武強,傘状噴霧予混合燃焼方式ディーゼル機関の噴霧・燃焼特性,自動車技術会論文集,33-4, (2002-10), pp.91-96.

51) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Nobuhisa JINGU, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Feasibility of CNG DI Stratified Combustion Using a Spark-Ignited Rapid Compression Machine, JSME Int. Journal, Series B, 45-4, (2002), 891-900.

52) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE, Michikata KONO. Basic Characteristics of Direct-Injection Combustion Fueled with CNG and Gasoline Using a Rapid Compression Machine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 217(D11): 1031-1038, 2003.

53) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE, Michikata KONO, NO/NO2 Concentration of Direct Injection Stratified Combustion under Constant Volume Condition Fuelled by CNG and Gasoline. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 217(D10): 935-942, 2003.

54) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Study of Cycle-by-Cycle Variations of Natural Gas Direct Injection Combustion Using a Rapid Compression Machine, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I Mech E), Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol.217, No. D1, (2003), 53-62.

55) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Effect of Fuel Injection Timing Relative to Ignition Timing on the Natural-Gas Direct-Injection Combustion, ASME Transactions (Journal of Gas Turbines and Power), 125-3, (2003-7), 783-790.

56) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Combustion Characteristics of Natural-Gas Direct-Injection Combustion under Various Fuel Injection Timings, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I Mech E), Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol.217(D5), (2003), 393-401.

57) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Correlation of Ignitability with Injection Timing for Direct-Injection Combustion Fuelled with Compressed Natural Gas and Gasoline, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I Mech E), Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol.217(D6), (2003), 499-506.

58) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Visualization Study of Natural Gas Direct-Injection Combustion, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I Mech E), Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol.217(D8), (2003), 667-676.

59) Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Takamasa UEDA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, A Basic Study on the Ignition Position of Natural Gas Direct-Injection Super-Lean Combustion, Combustion Science and Technology, 175(5), (2003), 965-992.

60) 石間経章,中村晋,助名亮一,小保方富夫,河内勝義,小林一光,LDA流量計の開発と瞬時流量測定への応用,日本機械学会論文集 B, 69678号,354-359, (2003-02)

61) 石間経章,助名亮一,小保方富夫,河内勝義,小林一光,スワール噴射弁における燃料噴射率と噴霧性状の相互評価法の研究,日本機械学会論文集(B編)69-678, pp. 504-511 (2003-2)

62) 野村友和,石間経章, 小保方富夫,直方体周り流れのPIVLDA計測,可視化情報学会論文集, 23-4,pp.31-38, (2003-04)

63) 石間経章、中尾臣自,時任大志,小保方富夫,河内勝義,小林一光,2段噴射噴霧の噴射率と噴霧特性, 自動車技術会論文集, 34-463-68, (2003-10)

64) 野村友和, 石間経章,小保方富夫,LDA及びPIVによる直方体周り流れの空間相関測定, 日本機械学会論文集 B70-689(2004-01), pp.93-99.

65) Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomoyuki MATSUDA, Seiichi SHIGA, Mikiya ARAKI, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tomio OBOKATA, Xiaofeng YANG, Wuqian LONG and Akira MURAKAMI: Characteristics of HCCI Diesel Combustion Operated with a Hollow Cone Spray, JSAE Paper No. 20030171, SAE Paper No. 2003-01-1823,  pp.1-7. SAE Transactions Volume 112 - Journal of Fuels and Lubricants(2004)

66) 野村友和、高橋易資,小保方富夫、石間 経章、ダクト内におかれた多孔板上流れのLDA計測と数値解析, 日本機械学会論文集, B, 70-691(2004-03), pp.693-700

67) 野村友和, 高橋易資, 武田親士,石間経章,小保方富夫,LDAPIVによるシリンダ内定常流れの解析とパーシャルセル法数値計算の検証,日本機械学会論文集 B, 70694(2004-06)1618-1625

68) 西川剛弘, 種市雄吾, 西川弘, 石間経章,小保方富夫, 無潤滑多段高圧往復圧縮機の高性能化に関する研究, 日本機械学会論文集(B編), 70699(2004-11), 2798-2804

69) 山田秀志,松本裕,林茂,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,堀越順,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,ジェットエンジンバーナ用噴射弁に対する壁面衝突圧力微粒化の効果,日本機械学会論文集(B), 70-700, (2004-12), 3257-3263

70) 荒木幹也,許成軍,志賀聖一,山田秀志,林茂,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,壁面衝突による高速液体噴流の微粒化,日本機械学会論文集(B編),71-703, (2005-3), 978-985

71) Junqiang Zhang, Deming Jiang, Zuohua Huang, Tomio Obokata, Seiichi Shiga, and Mikiya Araki, Experimental Study on Flashing Atomization of Methane/Liquid Fuel Binary Mixtures, Energy & Fuels, 19(2005), 2050-2055.

72) 野村友和,高橋易資,石間経章,小保方富夫,直線直交格子を用いたパーシャルセル法の開発と筒内定常流計算のPIV計測による検証,日本機械学会論文集(B編),71706号(2005-6),1694-1701

73) 荒木 幹也,桑原 孝輔,新井 正明,石間 経章,志賀 聖一,小保方 富夫,ノズル壁面からの気体噴射による超音速噴流の低騒音化,日本機械学会論文集(B), 71-707, (2005-7), 1798-1805

74) 荒木幹也,堀越順,山田秀志,志賀聖一,林茂,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,衝突噴流型ジェットエンジン燃料噴射弁の微粒化特性に及ぼす壁面形状の効果,日本機械学会論文集(B), 71-710, (2005-10), 2568-2574.

75) 荒木幹也, 新井正明, 岡本光司, 石間経章, 小保方富夫,マイクロショックチューブ内の間欠高速流れの流速測定,日本機械学会論文集(B編), 72, 713号(2006-1, pp. 61-68

76) 山名康介,湯澤義晴,志賀聖一,西田憲二,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,吸気弁遅閉じ超過膨張サイクルガソリン機関の性能に及ぼす吸気乱れ増大と希薄燃焼適用の効果,自動車技術会論文集,Vol.36, No.6, pp.19-242005/11

77) Mikiya ARAKI, Kosuke KUWABARA, Seiichi SHIGA and Tomio OBOKATA, “Effects of Aerodynamic Tabs on Screech Reduction of a Supersonic Jet”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 408-411, 2006/02

78) 荒木幹也,藤原康裕,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,気体燃料噴射弁の噴射率測定,日本機械学会論文集(B編),72-714pp.528-5342006-2

79) 馬場泰一, 種市雄吾, 石間経章,小保方富夫, LIFおよびPIVによる潤滑油膜挙動の解析に関する基礎研究,日本機械学会論文集(B編),72-716(2006-4), pp.10011006

80) 高橋易資,稲吉真,後閑祥次,石間経章,小保方富夫,カルマンのアナロジによる局所熱伝達率の数値予測と二輪車用空冷エンジンへの応用,日本機械学会論文集(B編),72724200612),pp.28862893.(高橋:日本機械学会流体工学部門フロンティア表彰)

²  Takahashi, Y., Gokan, Y., Inayoshi, M, Ishima, T. and Obokata, T., “Numerical Prediction of Heat Transfer Coefficient by Karman's Analogy and an Application for Air-Cooled Motorcycle Engines”, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Special Issue on Advanced Turbulence Research, Vol.2, (2007-12), No.3, Paper No. 570-581.

81) 荒木幹也,嶋津有宏, 小保方富夫,石間経章,志賀聖一,増渕匡彦,杉本知士郎,マイクロノズルアレイを用いた超音波微粒化,日本機械学会論文集(B編),73-726, pp. 622-630, 2007/2) 

82) 荒木幹也,桑原孝輔,曽根祐輔,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,超音速噴流における空力タブの騒音低減性能,日本機械学会論文集(B編),76-726, pp.567-574, 2007/2

83) 鈴木秀和,馬場泰一,石間経章,小保方富夫,ピストンスカート部の油膜生成に影響をおよぼす要因の研究,自動車技術会論文集,Vol.38, No.2pp.57-622007/3) 

84) 鈴木秀和,石間経章,小保方富夫,ガソリンエンジンにおけるピストンスカート部のフリクション解析,日本機械学会論文集(B編),Vol.73, No.729, pp.1263-12692007/5)

85) 柳沢 雅俊,荒木 幹也,志賀 聖一,中村 壽雄,小保方 富夫,瞬間シュリーレン法による非定常高速ガス噴流の発達特性に関する研究,日本機械学会論文集(B)Vol.73, No.732, pp.1613-1619(2007)

86) 小林義幸, 石間経章, 小保方富夫, スワール噴射弁による間欠燃料噴霧の高温高圧場特性, 日本機械学会論文集(B), Vol.74, No.737 (2008), pp.221-227.

87) 荒木幹也,小保方富夫,石間経章,志賀聖一,増渕匡彦,杉本知士郎,"マイクロノズルアレイ型超音波燃料噴射弁の微粒化特性に及ぼすホーン形状の効果",日本機械学会論文集(B編),20081月,74737号,pp. 228-236

88) 荒木幹也,曽根祐輔,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,"光学CT法を用いた超音速噴流騒音の断層可視化"日本機械学会論文集(B編),20082月,74738号,pp. 377-384

89) 荒木幹也,藤原康裕,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,"気体燃料噴射弁の噴射率計測精度向上",  日本機械学会論文集(B編),20083月,74739号,pp. 715-723

90) 荒木幹也,藤原康裕,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,"光遮断法を用いた気体燃料噴射弁の噴射率計測",日本機械学会論文集(B編),20083月,74739号,pp. 724-730

91) 荒木幹也,佐野貴透,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,矩形プラグノズルからの排気騒音に及ぼす空力タブの効果,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,20084月,56651号,pp.149-156

92) 荒木幹也,岸本秀雄,中島邦明,前原充宏,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,掃気ポートからの間欠燃料噴射を用いた天然ガス2ストロークサイクル火花点火機関の性能,日本機械学会論文集B編), 74-7422008-6, pp.1443-1450

93) 荒木幹也,小保方富夫,石間経章,志賀聖一,増渕匡彦,杉本知士郎,4ストロークサイクル火花点火機関の冷始動に及ぼす燃料微粒化の効果(Effects of Fuel Atomization on Cold Starting of a 4 Stroke Cycle Spark Ignition Engine,日本機械学会論文集(B編),20088月,74744号,pp.1860-1868

94) 田村貴洋,荒木幹也,山田秀志,志賀聖一,林茂,小保方富夫,衝突噴流型ジェットエンジン燃料噴射弁の噴霧粒径および噴霧分散特性(Droplet Size and Spray Dispersion Characteristics of an Impingement-Jet Type Jet Engine Fuel Injector,日本機械学会論文集(B編),200810月,74746号,pp.2213-2220

95) 荒木幹也,佐野貴透,福田将之,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,空力タブのノズル形状ならびに間欠噴射が超音速噴流騒音に及ぼす効果(Effects of Nozzle Geometry and Intermittent Injection of Aerodynamic Tab on Supersonic Jet Noise,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,200812月,56659号,pp.590-595

96) 椎名亮介,荒木幹也,Lai CHEN, 中村壽雄,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,“低カロリーガス火花点火機関の性能と排気(個別ガス成分の基本燃焼特性)”,日本機械学会論文集(B編),200812月,74748号,pp.2684-2689

97) 鈴木秀和,石間経章,小保方富夫,馬場泰一,ピストンスカート摺動部へのオイル流入に関する一考察,自動車技術会論文集Vol.40, No.3, 6頁(2009-5



(3) Proceedings Papers Presented at International Conferences (国際会議発表論文)

1)        Asanuma, T. and Obokata, T.;  Gas Velocity Measurements of a Motored and Firing Engine by Laser Anemometry SAE Congress & Exposition, Detroit(1979-2), Paper No.790096, 1-9.



2)        Tanida, Y., Obokata, T., Inaba, K. and Noguchi, Y.; Generation of Taylor-Gortler Vortices in Decaying Swirl Flow ASME Paper No.83-FE-17(1983-7) 1- 6

3)        Obokata, T., Matuo, N. and Hirano, Y.;  LDV Measurements  of Pipe Flows in a Small-Two-Cycle Spark-Ignition Engine SAE Congress & Exposition, Detroit(1984-2), Paper No.840425 110. 

4)        Obokata, T.;  Velocity Measurements of Gas Flow in a Cylinder of Spark-Ignition Engine by L.D.V. with Fiber-Optic Pick-up Proceedings of 7th Task Leaders Meeting of IEA, Tokyo (1985-8) 80-84

5)        Obokata, T.;  Velocity Measurements of Gas Flow in a Cylinder of Spark-Ignition Engine by L.D.V. with Fiber-Optic Pick-up Proceedings of International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Reciprocating Engines COMODIA-85 Tokyo (1985-9) 107-113



6)        Obokata, T., Hanada, N and Kurabayashi, T.;  Gas Velocity Measurements in a Combustion Chamber of S. I. Engine by L.D.A. with Fiber-Optic Pick-Up Proceedings of Third Int. Symposium on Applications of Laser Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon (1986-7) No.5.2 1-6

7)        Obokata, T., Hanada, N., and Kurabayashi, T.; Velocity and Turbulence Measurements in a Combustion Chamber of S.I. Engine under Motored and Firing Operations by L.D.A. with Fiber-Optic Pick-Up SAE Congress & Exposition, Detroit(1987-2), Paper No.870166 1-18.

8)        Obokata, T.;  Velocity Measurements of Gas Flow in a Cylinder of Spark-Ignition Engine by LDA with Fiber-Optic Pick-up Proceedings of 8th Task Leaders Meeting of IEA, Heidelberg (1986-7) 95-99

9)        Obokata, T.; Application of a Spatial Filter Velocimeter to the Two-Phase Flows in an S. I. Engine, Von Karman Institute: Lecture Series 1988-6 Brussels(1988-3) 85-104

10)     Obokata, T., Hanada, N., Kuwahara, H. and Kurabayashi, T.;  Laser Doppler Anemometer Measurement of Gas Flow in the Wedge Type Combustion Chamber of a Two-Cycle S. I. Engine Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers International Conference on Combustion in Engines - Technology and Applications, London(1988-5), Paper No. C48/88 213-223.

11)     Obokata, T., Inaba, K. and Takahashi, H.; LDA Measurements of Diesel Spray and Entrainment Air Flow Proceedings of Fourth Int. Symposium on Applications of Laser Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon (1988-7), No. 3.15 1-6.

12)     Obokata, T.; Characteristics of Gas Flow Induced by Diesel Spray, Proceedings of 11th. T.L.M. of IEA, Orleans Sweden (1989-6), 76-82.

13)     Obokata, TBopp, STropea, C;  Two-Point Adapter for LDA Probe Using Multi-mode Fibers,  Proceedings of Fifth Int. Symposium on Applications of Laser Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon (1988-7) No. 3.15 1-6.

14)     Obokata, T., Hashimoto, T. and Takahashi, H.; L D A Analysis of Diesel Spray and Entrainment Air Flow, Proceedings of International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines, COMODIA-90, Kyoto (1990-9), 231-236.



15)     Obokata, T.; LDA Measurement of Gas Flow in a Combustion Chamber of a Four Stroke S.I. Engine, Proceedings of 13th T.L.M. of IEA, Oakland (1991-9), 61-64.

16)     Obokata, T., Hashimoto, T., Gojuki, S., Karasawa, T., Shiga, S. and Kurabayashi, T.: LDA Characterization of Gas Flow in a Combustion Chamber of a Four-Stroke S.I. Engine,  SAE Int. Congress & Exposition, Detroit (1992-2), Paper No.920519 1-18.

17)     Hosoya, H. and Obokata, T.; LDA Measurements of Spray Flow from a Single Hole Diesel Type Nozzle under Steady Conditions, Proceedings of Sixth Int. Symposium on Applications of Laser Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics Lisbon (1992-7), No. 37.5 1-6.

18)     Obokata, T. and Okajima, A.;  Roll-up Vortex on the Reciprocating Piston in a Cylinder,  Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Yokohama (1992-10), Springer-Verlag, 594-598.

19)     Hosoya, H. and Obokata, T.; Effect of Nozzle Configuration on characteristics of Steady-State Diesel Spray. SAE Paper No.930593, Detroit (1993-3), Society of Automotive Engineers, 19-30.

20)     Hosoya, H. and Obokata, T.; PDA Measurement and LHF Analysis of Diesel Type Sprays. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Optical Particle Sizing, Yokohama (1993-6), 495-502.

21)     Long, W-Q, Hosoya, H., Mashimo, T., Kobayashi, K., Obokata, T., Durst, F. and Xu, T.-H. Analytical Functions to Match Size Distributions in Diesel-Sprays. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines. Yokohama (1994), COMODIA-94, JSME

22)     Obokata, T., Tanaka, H., Koyama, T., Mashimo, T. and Kobayashi, K. PDA Analysis of Transient Spray Flows Initiated from Air Assisted Injector.  Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Applications of Laser techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Organizing Committee, Lisbon (1994), Paper No. 36.5, 36.5.1-36.5.8.

23)     Obokata, T. and W.-Q. Long. LDA/PDA Characterization of Conical Spray for a Diesel Engine. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Paper No. II-7, Rouen (1994), 278-285.

24)     Obokata, T., Ishima, T., Koyama, K., Uehara, K., Kobayashi, K. and Mashimo, T. Characterization of Spray Flows Initiated from Air Assisted Injector Using Phase Doppler Anemometer. Laser Anemometry -1995-, Presented at the 1995 ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering and Laser Anemometry Conference and Exhibition, Hilton Head, FED-Vol.229 (1995), ASME, 319-339.

25)     Obokata, T. and Ishima, T. Effects of Fuel Temperature on the characteristics of the Unsteady Spray flows Initiated from Air Assisted Injector. (Subtask 1.4G: Investigate Combustion in Spark-Ignition engines), International Energy Agency, Executive committee on Energy, Conservation and Emissions Reduction in combustion. Proceedings of Seventeenth Task Leaders Meeting, Liege (1995-9), 60-65.


----- 1996-----

26)     Obokata, T., Long, W.-Q and Ishima, T.,  PDA and LDA Measurements of Large Angle Hollow Cone Spray Proposed for Hot-Premixed Combustion Type Diesel Engine, SAE Paper No. 960772 (1996), Detroit (1996-3), Society of Automotive Engineers, 27-40.

27)     Obokata, T., Ishima, T., Uehara, K., Koyama, T., Kobayashi, K. and Tsukagoshi, M. Characterization of Spray Flows under High Fuel Temperature Using Phase Doppler Anemometer. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Applications of Laser techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Organizing Committee, Lisbon (1996), Paper No. 13.5, 13.5.1-13.5.8.

28)     Takeda, C., Ohta, Y., Ishima, T., Ishii. K. and Obokata, T., Measurement of Axial Flow Velocity in a Cylinder of an S. I. Engine by a Single-Incidence-Beam Reference-Mode LDA.  Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Applications of Laser techniques to Fluid Mechanics. Organizing Committee, Lisbon (1996), Paper No. 22.2, 22.2.1-22.2.8.

29)     Liu, Z.-B, Obokata, T. and Reitz, R.D. Modeling Drop Drag Effects on Fuel Spray Impingement in Direct Injection Diesel Engines, SAE Paper No. 970879(1997), Detroit (1997-3), Society of Automotive Engineers, 9-22.

30)     Liu, Z.-B, Liu, Y.-F, Arai, M., Obokata, T. and Reitz, R. D., Effects of the MDD Model on Spray Impingement Characteristics, Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (July 9-11, 1997), Florence, Italy, 473-479.

31)     Ishima, T., Long, W.-Q. and Obokata, T.,  Time Dividing Analysis of Intermittent Fuel Spray Flows Measured by PDA, Proceedings of ICLASS-’97, (August 18-22, 1997), Seoul, 950-957.

32)     Liu, Z.-B, Liu, Y.-F, Arai, M., Obokata, T. and Reitz, R. D., Numerical Study of Liquid Fuel Spray Characteristics, Proceedings of ICLASS-‘97, (August 18-22, 1997), Seoul, 804-811.

33)     Ismailov, M, Ishima, M., Obokata, T., Tsukagoshi, M. and Kobayashi, K., Control of Transient Injection and Fast Spray Dynamics, Proceedings of ICLASS-’97, (August 18-22, 1997), Seoul, 1015-1022.

34)     Yang, X.-Y., Ishima, T. and Obokata, T.,  High Speed Video Recording of Fog-Marked Scavenging Flow in a Motored Poppet-Valved Two-Stroke Engine, SAE Paper No. 972736 (1997-9), Milwaukee, Society of Automotive Engineers, 23-36.

35)     Yang, X.-Y., Ishima, T., Obokata, T. and Okajima, A., Investigation of Scavenging Flow in a Motored Poppet-Valve Two-Stroke Engine by LDA and PIV, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fluid Dynamic Measurement and Its Application, (October 14-17, 1997), Beijing, pp.10-15.

36)     Ismailov M. , Obokata T., Takahashi H., and Kobayashi K., Accurate LDA Measurements of Instantaneous and Integrated Flow Rates in High Pressure Gasoline Injection System", 9th International Conference FLOMEKO ’ 98, Sweden, Lund, pp. 75-80, June 1998.

37)     Ismailov M., Ishima T., Obokata T., Tsukagoshi M. and Kobayashi K., LDA-Based Measurements of Instantaneous and Integrated Flow Rates in High Pressure Gasoline Injection System, 9th International Symposium on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Portugal, Lisbon, pp. 7.1.1-7.1.8, July 1998.

38)     Long W. , Murakami A., Hama J. and Obokata T., Analysis of Spatial Dispersion Characteristics of Improved Conical Sprays, The 4th International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines, COMODIA-98 Kyoto, pp. 483-488, July 1998.

39)     Ismailov M., Ishima T., Obokata T., Tsukagoshi M., and Kobayashi K., Laser-Based Techniques Employed on Gasoline Swirl Injector, The 4th International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines, COMODIA-98 Kyoto, pp. 499-504, July 1998.

40)     Obokata T. and Ishima T, PDA Measurements in High Pressure Spray flows, Proceedings of 20th Task Leaders Meeting, IEA, Canada, Ottawa, pp. 37-42, July 1998

41)     Ismailov M., Ishima T., Obokata T., Tsukagoshi M. and Kobayashi K., Visualization and PDA-Measurements in High Pressure Spray Flow, Proceedings of 8th Int. Symposium on Flow Visualization, Italy, Sorrento, pp. 159.1.-159.9, September 1998.

42)     Obokata T., Ismailov M. and Polayev V., Gasoline Direct Injection Engines: Fuel Delivering and Spray Quality Control, 1st Int. Conference ICAT’98, Russia, Moscow, pp. 267- 270, October 1998.

43)     Ishima T., Cui H., Obokata T., Kawachi K. and Kobayashi K., Time Dividing Analysis on Intermittent fuel spray, Proceedings of The Third Conference of ILASS-Asia, Kiryu, pp. 43-48. December 1998. (優秀講演賞受賞)

44)     Yang X. , Okajima A., Takamoto Y. and Obokata T, Numerical Study of Scavenging Flow in Poppet-Valved Two-Stroke Engines, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Paper for International Congress and Exposition, Paper No. 1999-01-1250, Detroit, pp. 57-74, March 1999.

45)     Obokata T. , Application of Laser Diagnostics for I. C. Engine, Proceedings of the 1999 Sino-Japan workshop on Combustion and It's Latest Measuring Techniques, Xi'an, pp. 12-19, April 1999.

46)     Obokata T. , Ismailov M. and Ishima T., Evaluation of High Pressure spray for D. I. Gasoline Engine, Proceedings of the 1999 Sino-Japan workshop on Combustion and It's Latest Measuring Techniques, Xi'an, pp. 91-99, April 1999.

47)     Yang X. , Okajima A. and Obokata T., Numerical simulation of Gas flow in Engines, Proceedings of the 1999 Sino-Japan workshop on Combustion and It's Latest Measuring Techniques, Xi'an, pp. 176-183, April 1999.

48)     Ismailov M. , Ishima T., Obokata T., Nakamura S, Takahashi H., Kawachi K. and Kobayashi K., Instantaneous Flow Rates in Gasoline Direct Injection System by Means of LDA and BOSCH Meters, Proceedings of Unsteady Flow Forum: F-215, 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, FEDSM99-7171, San Francisco, pp, 1-7, July 1999.

49)     Ishima T. , Ismailov M., Nakamura S., Sukena R., Obokata T., Kobayashi K. and Kawachi K., LDA Measurements of Instantaneous and Integrated Flow Rates in Gasoline Injection systems, Proceedings of the 15th. Internal Combustion Engine symposium (International) in Seoul, Paper No. 9935077, Seoul, pp. 25-28, July 1999.

50)     Obokata T., Experimental analysis of intermittent fuel Spray for I. C. Engines, Keynote Lecture for International symposium on Internal Combustion Engines "CIMAC DAY 1999", Shanghai, pp. 165-180, October 1999.

51)     Yang, X., Okajima, A., Obokata. T. and Long, W., Comparison of Computed and Measured High-Pressure Conical Diesel Sprays, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), SAE 2000 World Congress, Paper No. 2000-01-0951, USA, Detroit, MI, March 2000.

52)     Youssef, I., Ishima, T., Shimokawara, T., Obokata, T., Turbulence Characteristics in Particle Laden Water Jet Injected into Water Tank by Means of PDA and PIV, 10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Portugal, Lisbon, July 2000.

53)     Ishima, T. , Obokata, T., Shimokawara, T., Yang, X., Okajima, A., and Long, W., PIV and Numerical Analysis of Conical Spray for Diesel Engine, Paper No. 146, 9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, UK, Scotland, Edinburgh, August 2000.

54)     Liu, C. , Jiang, D. and Obokata, T., A Simplified Turbulence Model for In-Cylinder Gas Flow in Quasi-Dimensional Turbulence Combustion Model for Spark-Ignition Engines, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Paper No. 2000-01-2803, International Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & Exposition, USA, Baltimore, MD, October 2000.



55)     Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Nobuhisa JINGU, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Effect of Fuel Injection Timing Relative to Ignition Timing on the Natural-Gas Direct-Injection Combustion, ASME 2001 ICE Spring Technical Conference, ICE-vol.36-1, Philadelphia, (2001-5), 65-72.

56)     Tomio OBOKATA, Application of Laser Diagnostics for Internal Combustion Engines, Proceedings of 2001 Japan-China Workshop on Combustion and Its Latest Measuring Techniques, July 2001, Kiryu, pp.37-44.

57)     Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, PIV Measurement in Various Flows, Proceedings of 2001 Japan-China Workshop on Combustion and Its Latest Measuring Techniques, July 2001, Kiryu, pp.45-50.

58)     Chuanli LIU, Xiaofeng YANG, Tomouki MATSUDA, Yousuke EGURO, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, Simulation on Injection Spray Development of Conical Nozzle for HCCI Diesel Engine by KIVA, Proceedings of 2001 Japan-China Workshop on Combustion and Its Latest Measuring Techniques, July 2001, Kiryu, pp.167-176.

59)     Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Nobuhisa JINGU, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tusneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUW and Michikata KONO, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Natural Gas Direct Injection Stratified Combustion, Proceedings of 2001 Japan-China Workshop on Combustion and Its Latest Measuring Techniques, July 2001, Kiryu, pp.51-59.

60)     Seiichi Shiga, Kazumitsu KOBAYASHI, Eiji HAYAKAWA, Takashi MATSUURA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, Effect of Injection Rate on the Performance and Emissions of a Direct Injection Gasoline Engine in Comparison with the Port-Injection Operation, Proceedings of 2001 Japan-China Workshop on Combustion and Its Latest Measuring Techniques, July 2001, Kiryu, pp.79-84.

61)     Zuohua HUANG, Seiichi SHIGA, Takamasa UEDA, Nobuhisa JINGU, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Feasibility of CNG DI Stratified Combustion Using a Spark-Ignited Rapid Compression Machine, Proc. of COMODIA 2001, Nagoya, (2001-7), 365-371.

62)     Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Ryoichi SUKENA, Chuanli LIU and Tomio OBOKATA, Relationship between Fuel Injection Rate and Spray Characteristics of the Swirl Nozzle for Gasoline Engine, The Fifth International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engine, July 2001, Nagoya, pp. 493-498.

63)     Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA, Yousuke EGURO, Tomoyuki MATSUDA, Akira MURAKAMI, W. Long, X. Yang, C. Liu, Characteristics of Premixed Combustion Type Diesel Engine Using Hollow Cone Spray, Proc. of ASME 2001 Fall Technical Conference, Argonne, (2001-9), vol.2, 119-126.

64)     Seiichi SHIGA, Kazumitsu KOBAYASHI, Eiji HAYAKAWA, Takashi MATSUURA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, Effect of Injection Rate on the Performance and Emissions of a Direct-Injection Gasoline Engine in Comparison with the Port-Injection Operation, Proc. of ASME 2001 Fall Technical Conference, Argonne, (2001-9), vol.1, 115-120.

65)     Ishima, T. and Obokata, T., Experimental Study on Particle Motion and Turbulent Modification by means of phase-Doppler anemometer, 2001 UK-Japan Seminar on Multiphase flow, Bury St Edmunds England, CD-Rom (2001).

66)     ISHIMA Tsuneaki, SUKENA Ryoichi, LIU Chuanli, OBOKATA Tomio, KAWACHI Katsuyoshi and KOBAYASHI Kazumitsu, Characteristics of the Spray from the Swirl Nozzle for Direct Injection Gasoline Engine, Proceedings of 2nd SAE-India Mobility Conference, SAE Paper No. 2001-28-0012, Chennai, India, January, 2002, pp. 81-91.

67)     MACHACON Herchel, Thaddeus, C., SHIGA Seiichi, MATSUMOTO Yutaka, KARASAWA Takao, NAKAMURA Hisao, OBOKATA Tomio and SUGIHARA Yasuyuki, Operation and Combustion Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Fueled with Biomass Oil-Diesel Fuel Blends, Proceedings of 2nd SAE-India Mobility Conference, SAE Paper No. 2001-28-0030, Chennai, India, January, 2002, pp. 211-218.

68)     OBOKATA Tomio, ISHIMA Tsuneaki, SHIGA Seiichi and ARAKI Mikiya, Relationship between Fuel Injection Rate and Spray Characteristics, Proceedings of Twenty-Fourth Task Leaders Meeting, Trondheim, Norway, June, 2002, pp. 37-42.

69)     YOUSSEF I. M., ISHIMA T., OBOKATA T., The Effect of Injected Solid Particles on Fluid Turbulence in Vertical Water Tank at Different Particle Loading and Nozzle Diameter, Proceedings of the Ninth European Turbulence Conference, Poster session, Southampton, U.K., July, 2002, pp.893.

70)     NOMURA, Tomokazu, TAKAHASHI, Yasushi, ISHIMA, Tsuneaki and OBOKATA, Tomio, Analysis on flow around a rectangular cube by means of LDA, PIV and the numerical simulation by PCC method: In the case of inclined cube, CD Rom Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Paper No. 37.4, Portugal, Lisbon, July, 2002, pp 1-15.

71)     NOMURA, Tomokazu, TAKAHASHI, Yasushi, ISHIMA, Tsuneaki and OBOKATA, Tomio, Analysis on flow around a rectangular cube by means of PIV, LDA and Numerical simulation, CD Rom Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Paper No. F0136, Kyoto, August 2002, pp. 1-14.

72)     Seiichi SHIGA, Kenji NISHIDA, Shizuo YAGI, Youichi MIYASHITA, Yoshiharu YUZAWA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA and Mikiya ARAKI, Application of Over-Expansion Cycle to a Larger Gasoline Engine with Late-Closing of Intake Valves, Proc. of ASME 2002 ICED Conf., ICE-vol. 39, (2002-9), 61-66.

73)     Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomoyuki MATSUDA, Seiichi SHIGA, Mikiya ARAKI, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tomio OBOKATA, Xiaofeng YANG, Wuqian LONG and Akira MURAKAMI: Characteristics of HCCI Diesel Combustion Operated with a Hollow Cone Spray, JSAE Paper No. 20030171, SAE Paper No. 2003-01-1823, 2003, Yokohama, pp.1-7.

74)     Mikiya ARAKI, Chengjun XU, Seiichi SHIGA, Shigeru HAYASHI, Hideshi YAMADA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, Feasibility of Improving the Atomization Characteristics with Wall Impingement for Steady Jet, Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2003) (CD-Rom), Sorrento (Italy), Jul., 2003.

75)     Seiichi SHIGA, Yutaka MATSUMOTO, Mikiya ARAKI, Shigeru HAYASHI, Hideshi YAMADA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, Effect of Wall Impingement on the Atomization Characteristics of an Air-Blasting Nozzle for Jet Engines, Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2003) (CD-Rom), Sorrento (Italy), July(2003).

76)     Kokichi Sawada, Shinji Nakao, Tsuneaki Ishima, Tomio Obokata, Katsuyoshi Kawachi and Kazumitsu Kobayashi: Spray formation and fuel flow rate at the multi-stage injections injected from the swirl nozzle, Proceedings of 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering conference, July 2003, Honolulu, Paper No. FEDSM2003-45209, pp.1-7.

77)     Toshimichi Arai, Naoki Kudo, Tsuneaki Ishima, Ismail M. Youssef, Tomio Obokata and Waleed A. Abdel-fadeel: Turbulence structure of a liquid-solid two-phase jet by means of laser techniques, Proceedings of 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering conference, July 2003, Honolulu, Paper No. FEDSM2003-45495, pp.1-7.

78)     Mikiya ARAKI, Jun OSAKA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Effects of Secondary Instability on Mixing in a Compressible Shear Layer”, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISOABE 2003) (CD-Rom), Cleveland (USA), Sep., 2003.

79)     Jun OSAKA, Mikiya ARAKI, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, A Study on Evolution of Vortex Structure Induced by Secondary Instability of a Compressible Shear Layer”, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISOABE 2003) (CD-Rom), Cleveland (USA), Sep., 2003.

80)     Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA and Mikiya ARAKI: Effect of Compression Ratio and Injection Timing on HCCI Diesel Combustion Operated with a Hollow Cone Spray, Proceedings of 25th Task Leaders Meeting, IEA Implementing Agreement on Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion, September 2003, Farringdon, pp.174-177.

81)     Tomokazu Nomura, Takashi Iizuka, Tsuneaki, Ishima, Tomio Obokata, “Measurements of Flow Field around a Cooling Fan in the Duct by Means of PIV and LDA”, Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Singapore, November 2003, Paper No. 1B-2, pp.1-6.

82)     Tomokazu Nomura, Takashi Iizuka, Tsuneaki, Ishima, Tomio Obokata, LDA and PIV Measurements and Numerical Simulation on In-Cylinder Flow Under Steady State Flow Condition, CD Rom Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Paper No. 17.4, Portugal, Lisbon, July, 2004, pp 1-11.

83)     Mitsuhiro MAEHARA, Kuniaki NAKAJIMA, Takenori FUKUSHIMA, Kozo UCHIYAMA, Seiichi SHIGA, Mikiya ARAKI, Hisao NAKAMURA and Tomio OBOKATA, Operation of a Two-Stroke S.I. Engine with Scavenging-Port Injection of CNG, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines (COMODIA 2004) (CD-Rom), (2004-8), pp. 409-416. Yokohama

84)     Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Toshimichi ARAI, Naoki KUDO, Masaki YOKOTA and Tomio OBOKATA, Particle Size Discrimination Method Based on PIV and LDA Signals for Two-Phase Flow Analysis, CD-Rom Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Optical Particle Characterization, Kyoto, 1-5 August 2004, Paper No. 64.

85)     Daijiro ARAI, Mikiya ARAKI, Hideshi YAMADA, Shigeru HAYASHI, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tomio OBOKATA, “Atomization Characteristics of a Liquid Film Formed with a Wall Impingement Jet”, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Asia (ILASS-Asia) (CD-Rom), Shanghai (China), Aug., 2004. 

86)     Tomokazu NOMURA, Yasushi TAKAHASHI, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, Measurements of Turbulence Characteristics in Various Flow Fields by Means of PIV and LDA, CD-Rom Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, August 9-12, 2004, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, Paper No. 168.

87)     FENG Liyan, LONG Wuqiang, TIAN Hua, DU Baoguo, UMINO Tatsuhito and OBOKATA Tomio, Experimental Research on Spray Characteristics of the Third Generation Conical Spray, Proceedings of The 9th Annual conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Asia, Shanghai, August 2004, 6 pages.

88)     Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA and Mikiya ARAKI: Effects of Compression Ratio and Injection Timing on HCCI Diesel Combustion Operated with a Hollow Cone Spray, Proceedings of 26th Task Leaders Meeting, IEA Implementing Agreement on Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion, August 2004, Espoo, Finland, pp.64-69.

89)     Tomio OBOKATA, Recent Advancement of Laser Diagnostics for IC Engines, Proceedings of 2004 China-Japan Workshop on Clean-Fuel Utilization and control of Combustion and Emissions in Automobile Engines, Xi'an, September 2004, pp. 1-8.

90)     Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA, Mikiya ARAKI and WuQiang LONG, Effects of Compression Ratio and Injection Timing on PCCI Diesel Combustion Operated with a Hollow Cone Spray, Proceedings of 2004 China-Japan Workshop on Clean-Fuel Utilization and control of Combustion and Emissions in Automobile Engines, Xi'an, September 2004, pp. 20-26.

91)     Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, PIV and PDA analyses on high-pressure spray initiated from swirl nozzle, Proceedings of 2004 China-Japan Workshop on Clean-Fuel Utilization and control of Combustion and Emissions in Automobile Engines, Xi'an, September 2004, pp. 243-248.

92)     Long Wuqiang, FENG Liyan, DU Baoguo, TIAN Hua, UMINO Tatsuhito and OBOKATA Tomio, Experimental Research on Spray Characteristics of the Third Generation Conical Spray, Proceedings of 2004 China-Japan Workshop on Clean-Fuel Utilization and control of Combustion and Emissions in Automobile Engines, Xi'an, September 2004, pp. 282-287.

93)     Jun HORIKOSHI, Mikiya ARAKI, Seiichi SHIGA, Hideshi YAMADA, Shigeru HAYASHI, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tomio OBOKATA, “Effects of Wall Geometry on Atomization Characteristics of a Wall-Impingement Type Jet Engine Atomizer”, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Europe) (ILASS-Europe), pp. 50-55, Nottingham (UK), Sep. 6-8, 2004. 

94)     Mikiya ARAKI, Seiichi SHIGA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, “Supersonic Gas Dynamics and Combustion for Development of Ultra Micro Gas Turbine”, Proceedings of 2004 China-Japan Workshop on Clean-Fuel Utilization and Control of Combustion and Emissions in Automobile Engines, Xi’an (China), Sep. 19-24, 2004.

95)     Seiichi SHIGA, H. T. C. MACHACON, Mikiya ARAKI, Y. N. Wang, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tomio OBOKATA and Takao KARASAWA, Effect of CO2 Gas Dissolution on the Characteristics of Liquid Atomization and Combustion of an Oil Burner, Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization (7th APISCEU) (CD-Rom), Hong Kong, (2004-12), A2-257, 6 pages.

96)     Mikiya ARAKI, Tatsuhito UMINO, Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Wu-Qiang LONG and Akira MURAKAMI: Effects of Compression Ratio on Characteristics of PCCI Diesel Combustion with a Hollow Cone Spray, SAE BRASIL Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & Exhibition, Lio de Janeiro, May 11-13, 2005, SAE Paper No. 2005-01-2130, 8 pages.

97)     Motohiko ARAI, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, Analysis of Circulation Flow inside a Water Storage Tank, CD-Rom Proceedings of 8th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Chiangmai, Thailand, May 23-27, 2005, Paper No. 4.

98)     Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Shuichi IMANARI, Kazuya UCHIDA, Tomokazu NOMURA, Yasushi TAKAHASHI and Tomio OBOKATA, Turbulence Characteristics of Flows on a Heated Multi-Holed Plate, CD-Rom Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, Xi'an, China, 3-6 July 2005, Paper No. 260.

99)     Takahiro NISHIKAWA, Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Hiroshi NISHIKAWA, Internal Flow Analysis on a Non-lubrication, High Pressure, Multistage Reciprocating Compressor, CD-Rom Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Control, FLCOME-8, August 2005, Chengdu, China, Paper No. C6-3, 7 Pages.

100) Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Masaaki YOKOTA, Toshimichi ARAI, Ismail M. Youssef, Waleed A. Abdel-Fedeel and Tomio OBOKATA, Particle Motion in Water-Particle, Gas-Particle and Gas-Droplet Two-Phase Flows, CD-Rom Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Prague, Czech Rep. Aug. 29- Sep. 1, 2005, Paper No. 116.

101) Mikiya ARAKI, Kosuke KUWABARA, Tomio OBOKATA Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Seiichi SHIGA, Effects of Side Jets on Noise Reduction of a Supersonic Jet, ISABE-2005-1259, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISOABE 2005) (CD-Rom), Munich, (2005-9), 9 pages

102) Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Naruhito KIMURA, Effects of Ambient Temperature and Pressure on Direct Injection Fuel Spray for S.I. Engine, CD-Rom Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, Capri, Sep. 11-16, 2005, Paper No. 2005-24-091.

103) Tomio OBOKATA, Mikiya ARAKI, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Seiichi SHIGA: Effect of Compression Ratio on PCCI Diesel Combustion Operated with a Hollow Cone Spray, Proceedings of 27th Task Leaders Meeting, IEA Implementing Agreement on Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion, Zurich, September 2005, pp.67-70.

104) Seiichi Shiga, Mikiya Araki, Tomio Obokata, Zuohua Huang, Hitoshi Ishii, Takamasa Ueda, Mitsuhiro Tsue and Michikata Kono, Basic Aspect of Combustion of CNG in-Cylinder Direct-Injection with Spark-Ignition, International Mobility Engineering Congress and Expo 2005, October 2005, Chennai, SAE Paper No. 2005-26-352, 7 pages.

105) Mikiya Araki, Hui Dong, Tomio Obokata, Seiichi Shiga, Tsuneaki Ishima and Kiyohira Aoki, Characteristics of CNG Direct Injection Auto-Ignition, International Mobility Engineering Congress and Expo 2005, October 2005, Chennai, Paper Paper No: 2005-26-358, 6 Pages.

106) Tomio Obokata, Keynote Address: Research and Development of CNG engines and Laser Measuring Techniques for Diagnostics, International Mobility Engineering Congress and Expo 2005, October 2005, Chennai.

107) Mitsuhiro MAEHARA, Takenori FUKUSHIMA, Hideo KISHIMOTO, Shoichi ARAI, Mikiya ARAKI, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA and Tomio OBOKATA, Application of Scavenging-Port Injection to a Two-Stroke Boat Engine Fueled with CNG, Proceedings of SETC 2005 (CD-Rom), JSAE20056623, SAE2005-32-0083, Bankok, (2005-10), 8 pages.

108) Mikiya ARAKI, Hui DONG, Tomio OBOKATA, Seiichi SHIGA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Kiyohira AOKI, Characteristics of CNG Direct Injection with Auto-Ignition, Proceedings of the International Mobility Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, SAE 2005-26-358, pp. 371-376, SAE INDIA, Chennai (India), Oct., 2005. 

109) Seiichi SHIGA, Mikiya ARAKI, Tomio OBOKATA, Zuohua HUANG, Hitoshi ISHII, Takamasa UEDA, Mitsuhiro TSUE and Michikata KONO, Basic Aspect of Combustion of CNG Incylinder Direct-Injection with Spark-Ignition, Proceedings of the International Mobility Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, SAE 2005-26-352, pp. 331-337, SAE INDIA, Chennai (India), Oct., 2005. 

110) Tomio OBOKATA, Mikiya ARAKI, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA, Tatsuhito UMINO, Hao LU, Yong Li ZHANG, Wuqiang LONG, Xiaofeng YANG and Akira MURAKAMI, Characteristics of PCCI Diesel Combustion with a Hollow Cone Spray, Proceedings of Commemoration of the Ninetieth Anniversary of Prof. HU Gooding’s Birth & International Symposium of HCCI Combustion and Advanced Automotive Power-train Technology, Dalian, (2005-11), pp. 1-10.

111) Kosuke Yamana, Yoshiharu Yuzawa, Seiichi Shiga, Kenji Nishida, Mikiya Araki and Tomio Obokata, Effect of Combustion Enhancement on the Engine Performance of Over-Expansion Cycle Gasoline Engine, Proceedings of The 18th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium (International) in Jeju, Korea, 2005-12, Paper No. 20056082, 6 Pages.

112) Tsuneaki Ishima, Akira Mizuno, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Tomio Obokata and Tetsuji Koyama, Development of Portable LDA Flow Rate Meter for Fuel Injection Analysis, Proceedings of The 18th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium (International) in Jeju, Korea, 2005-12, Paper No. 20056103, 6 Pages.



113) Obokata, T., Present activities of CNG engines in Japan, CD Proceedings of Workshop on An Efficient Application of Alternative Fuels for The Transportation in Asian Countries, March, 2006, Kiryu, Japan

114) T. Ishima, T. Nomura, T. Sasaki, Y. Takahashi, T. Obokata, Evaluating scales by using slotted correlation in cylinder flow, CD Rom Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Paper No. 24.5, Portugal, Lisbon, June, 2006, pp 1-11.

115) Tomio OBOKATA, Mikiya ARAKI, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Seiichi SHIGA: Review of PCCI Diesel Combustion Operated with Hollow Cone Spray, Proceedings of 28th Task Leaders Meeting, IEA Implementing Agreement on Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion, Heidelberg, August 13-16, 2006, pp.125-132.

116) Yuichi SAKATA, Kosuke YAMANA, Seiichi SHIGA, Kenji NISHIDA, Mikiya ARAKI and Tomio OBOKATA, Improvement of Cycle Efficiency by More-Expansion Cycle, CD-Rom Proceedings of 2006 Japan-China Seminar on Preparation and Utilization of Clean Fuels and Their Control of Combustion and Emissions, 6pages, August 21-22, Kiryu, Japan

117) Tomio OBOKATA, Present and Future Prospect of Laser Diagnostics in the Research of Thermo- and Fluid-Dynamics, CD-Rom Proceedings of 2006 Japan-China Seminar on Preparation and Utilization of Clean Fuels and Their Control of Combustion and Emissions, August 21-22, Kiryu, Japan

118) Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Naruhito KIMURA, Kokichi SAWADA and Yoshiyuki KOBAYASHI, Laser Diagnostics for Spray Characterization, CD-Rom Proceedings of 2006 Japan-China Seminar on Preparation and Utilization of Clean Fuels and Their Control of Combustion and Emissions, August 21-22, Kiryu, Japan

119) Mikiya ARAKI, Jun HORIKOSHI, Takahiro TAMURA, Hideshi YAMADA, Seiichi SHIGA, Shigeru HAYASHI, Hisao NAKAMURA and Tomio OBOKATA, Improvement of Liquid Atomization with Wall Impingement in a Jet Engine Burner, CD-Rom Proceedings of 2006 Japan-China Seminar on Preparation and Utilization of Clean Fuels and Their Control of Combustion and Emissions, 6pages, August 21-22, Kiryu, Japan 

120) Tamura, T., Araki, M., Shiga, S., Yamada, H., Hayashi, S., Obokata, T., Atomization Improvement in a Jet Engine Fuel Injector Using a Wall Impingement Liquid Jet, Paper No. C2-07-159 CD-Rom Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2006, 27th Aug.-1st Sept), 8pages, Kyoto

121) Shimada, Y., Araki, M., Shiga, S., Yamada, H., Hayashi, S., Obokata, T., Effect of Nozzle Diameter on the Atomization Characteristics of a Wall Impingement Liquid Jet, Paper No. C3-10-161 CD-Rom Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2006, 27th Aug.-1st Sept), 8pages, Kyoto

122) Araki, M., Shimazu, T., Obokata, T., Ishima, T., Shiga, S. Masubuchi, M., Sugimoto, T., Ultrasonic Fuel Injector Using a Micro Nozzle Array, Paper No. C4-09-077 CD-Rom Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2006, 27th Aug.-1st Sept), 8pages, Kyoto

123) Yasushi TAKAHASHI, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, VISUALIZATION OF VORTEX MAGNITUDE BY CFD AND ITS APPLICATION, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Göttingen, September 10-14, 2006

124) Mikiya ARAKI, Masaaki ARAI, Koji OKAMOTO, Tsuneaki ISHIMA and Tomio OBOKATA, “LDA Measurement of an Intermittent High-Speed Flow inside a Micro Wave Rotor Cell”, SAE 2007-01-0010, Proceedings of SAE 2007 Fuels and Emissions Conference (CD-Rom), 8 pages, Cape Town (South Africa), Jan. 23-25, 2007. 

125) Yoshitsugu GOKAN, Yasushi TAKAHASHI, Makoto INAYOSHI, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Tomio OBOKATA, Development of Air/Oil-Cooled Motorcycle Engine Using Thermal and Fluid Analyses, SAE Paper No.2007-01-0538, pp.1-10, Detroit, April 2007

126) Kobayashi, Y., Ishima, T. and Obokata, T., “Characteristics on Intermittent Fuel Spray by Swirl Injector under High Back Pressure and High temperature Conditions”, IEA Combustion Agreement Fuel Spray Work Shop 2007 in Detroit, (2007-4).

127) Baba, Y., Sakai, Y., D. Ling, T. W., Suzuki, H., Ishima, T. and Obokata, T., “LIF and PIV analysis of Oil Film Behavior on the Piston of Motored I. C. Engine,” CD-Rom Proceedings of the 9th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Hong Kong, China, Paper No. ASV0120-003, (2007-6).

128) Ishima, T., Hosoya, H., Kakizawa, S., Okamoto, T., Shinozuka, N., Harada, T. and Obokata, T., “Numerical Simulation on Heat and Mass Transfer for Diagnostics of Showcase Refrigerator System,” CD-Rom Proceedings of the 9th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Hong Kong, China, Paper No. ASV0120-002, (2007-6).

129) Y. Baba, H. Suzuki, Y. Sakai, D. L. T. Wei, T. Ishima, T. Obokata, “PIV/LIF Measurements of Oil Film Behavior on the Piston in I. C. Engine”, CD-Rom Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, SAE Technical Paper No. 2007-24-0001, Capri, Italy, September 16-20, (2007-9).

130) Tsuneaki Ishima, Hisanobu Kawashima, Naoki Shinozuka and Tomio Obokata, Turbulence Characteristics in Two-Phase Pipe Flow Lading with Various Particles, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF-2007, Leipzig, Paper No. S3_Thu_B_50, pp.1-10 (2007/7)

131) Mikiya ARAKI, Seiichi SHIGA, Takayuki KOJIMA, Hideyuki TAGUCHI, Tomio OBOKATA and Takayuki SANO, “Effects of Aerodynamic Tabs on Noise Reduction of a Rectangular Plug Nozzle”, ISABE-2007-1121, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISOABE 2007) (CD-Rom), 8 pages, Beijing (China), Sep. 2-7, 2007. 

132) Mikiya ARAKI, Yasuhiro FUJIWARA, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA and Tomio OBOKATA, “A Measurement of Instantaneous Flow Rate of an Automotive Gaseous Fuel Injector”, SAE 2007-24-0008, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engines for Automobile (ICE2007) (CD-Rom), 7 pages, Capri (Italy), Sep. 16-20, 2007. 

133) Yuichi SAKATA, Kosuke YAMANA, Kenji NISHIDA, Takayuki SHIMIZU, Seiichi SHIGA, Mikiya ARAKI, Hisao NAKAMURA and Tomio OBOKATA, “A Study on Optimization of an Over-Expansion Cycle Gasoline Engine with Late-Closing of Intake Valves”, SAE 2007-24-0089, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engines for Automobile (ICE2007) (CD-Rom), 6 pages, Capri (Italy), Sep. 16-20, 2007.

134) Baba, Y., Suzuki, H., Sakai, Y., D. Ling, T.W., Ishima., T. and Obokata, T., “PIV/LIF measurements of oil film behavior on the piston in I.C. engine,” CD-Rom Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Enigines for Automobile, ICE 2007, Capri, Italy, Paper No.2007-24-0001, (2007-9).

135) H. Nakamura, T. Fukushima, H. Kishimoto, M. Araki, S. Shiga, H. Nakamura, T. Obokata, Effect of Fuel Injection Rate on the Performance of a 2-Stroke CNG Spark-Ignition Engine with Scavenging-Port Injection, CD Proceedings of SETC (Small Engine Technology Conference), 2007-32-0031(SAE), Niigata, Japan, November(2007).

136) Mikiya ARAKI, Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA, Masahiko MASUBUCHI amd Tomojiro SUGIMOTO, “Spray Characteristics of an Ultrasonic Gasoline Injector Using a Micro Nozzle Array”, Proceedings of the 13th Small Engine Technology Conference (CD-Rom), 7 pages, Niigata (Japan), Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2007, (Araki: A High Quality Paper Award, Given by SAE and JSAE). 

137) Hiroshi NAKAMURA, Takenori FUKUSHIMA, Hideo KISHIMOTO, Mikiya ARAKI, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA and Tomio OBOKATA “The Effect of Fuel Injection Rate and Engine Speed on the Performance in a 2-Stroke Spark-Ignition Engine Fueled-with Scavenging-Port Injection of a CNG”, Proceedings of the 13th Small Engine Technology Conference (CD-Rom), 6 pages, Niigata (Japan), Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2007. 

138) Mikiya ARAKI, Hideo KISHIMOTO, Kuniaki NAKAJIMA, Mitsuhiro MAEHARA, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA and Tomio OBOKATA, “A CNG Two Stroke Cycle S.I. Engine Using Intermittent Low Pressure Fuel Injection from Scavenging Ports”, SAE 2008-28-0004, Proceedings of the 5th International Mobility Conference on Emerging Automotive Technologies Global and Indian Perspective (CD-Rom), 6 pages, New Delhi (India), Jan. 9 to 11, 2008.

139) Ishima, T., Nomura, T., Takahashi, Y. and Obokata, T., "Analysis on In-Cylinder Flow by means of LDA, PIV and Numerical Simulation under Steady State Flow Condition, SAE 2008 world congress in Detroit, No.2008-01-1063, (2008-4). pp.1-13

140) Kobayashi, Y., Ishima, T. and Obokata, T., “Spray Characteristics of a High-Pressure Swirl Injector for DISI Engines under High Ambient Temperature and Pressure Conditions”, SAE 2008 world congress in Detroit, No. 2008-01-0130, (2008-4)pp.1-9

141) Kobayashi, Y., Ishima, T. and Obokata, T., “Spray Characteristics of a High-Pressure Swirl Injector for DISI Engines under High Ambient Temperature and Pressure Conditions”, IEA Combustion Agreement Fuel Spray Work Shop 2008 in Detroit, (2008-4). 

142) Tomio Obokata, Tsuneaki Ishima, Masaaki Kato, Hirohito Yokota and Makoto Kaneko, Gas Flow Evaluation in the Cylinder of a 4-stroke Motored Engine by Means of LDA, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine, COMODIA 2008, JSME No.08-202(2008-7), Paper No. MD2-2, pp. 571-576

143) Murad Ismailov, Jean-Bernard Blaisot, Jean-Baptiste Dementhon and Tomio Obokata, Experimental Evaluation of spray Dynamics and Its Evaporation Generated by Diesel Twin Jet Injection Nozzle, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine, (2008-7), OMODIA 2008, JSME No.08-202, Paper No. SC1-1, pp.363-370.

144) Tsuneaki Ishima, Hidekazu Suzuki, Yasukazu Baba, Denis Ling Teck Wei and Tomio Obokata, Experimental Study of Oil Film Behavior on the piston in I.C. Engine by Means of LIF/PIV, Proceedings of ISFV-13th, International Symposium on Flow Visualization(2008-7), Paper No. 346-080801, pp. 1-11

145) Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Takeshi SASAKI, Yoshitsugu GOKAN, Yasushi TAKAHASHI, Tomio OBOKATA, Flow Characteristics around an Inclined Circular Cylinder with Fin, Proceedings of 14th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics,(2008-7), Paper No. 8.3-1, pp. 1-10.

146) T. Ishima, T. Nomura, Y. Takahashi and T. Obokata, Analysis on In-Cylinder Flow by Means of LDA, PIV and Numerical Simulation under Steady State Flow Condition, SAE 2008 World Congress, Detroit, USA, (2008) , SAE Paper No.2008-01-1063, 1-13.

147) Nobuaki MOTEGI, Takahiro TAMURA, Mikiya ARAKI, Hideshi YAMADA, Seiichi SHIGA, Shigeru HAYASHI, Tomio OBOKATA, “Effect of the Nozzle Diameter on Droplet Size and Spray Dispersion Characteristics of an Impingement-Jet Type Jet Engine Fuel Injector“, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Asia (ILASS-Asia), pp.27-32, Yokohama (Japan), Dec. 17-18, 2008. 

148) Yuki YAMAGUCHI, Mikiya ARAKI, Seiichi SHIGA, Tomio OBOKATA, “Feasibility of Droplet Size Measurement Using a Freezing Probe“, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Asia (ILASS-Asia), pp.147-151, Yokohama (Japan), Dec. 17-18, 2008. 

149) Mikiya ARAKI, Tomio OBOKATA, Tsuneaki ISHIMA, Seiichi SHIGA, Masahiko MASUBUCHI, Tomojiro SUGIMOTO, “Geometry Optimization of an Ultrasonic Gasoline Injector Using Micro Nozzle Array“, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems-Asia (ILASS-Asia), pp.165-170, Yokohama (Japan), Dec. 17-18, 2008.

150) Yasushi Takahashi, Yukinori Kurakawa and Haruomi Sugita, Tsuneaki Ishima, Tomio Obokata, CFD Analysis of Airflow Around the Rider of a Motorcycle for Rider Comfort Improvement, SAE Paper No. 2009-01-1155, pp.1-9, SAE World Congress and Expositions, Detroit (2009-4)


 (4) Patents (特許)

1)      発明人:小保方富夫,石間経章,(株)オリンピア技研,特願2001-215845,特開2003-028689,レーザー流速計式ポータブル型管内瞬間流量計,平成13716

2)      発明人:荒木幹也,志賀聖一,石間経章,小保方富夫,中村壽雄,藤原康裕,出願人:国立大学法人群馬大学,IP16-077,“気体燃料インジェクタの瞬間流量計測装置”,特願2005-0955702005329日出願,特許第4078432号,2008215日.

3)      発明人:荒木幹也,志賀聖一,石間経章,小保方富夫,中村壽雄,藤原康裕,出願人:国立大学法人群馬大学,“気体燃料インジェクタの瞬間流量計測装置”,PCT出願:PCT/JP2006/3063702006322日国際出願,出願国:米国,独国,JST国際特許出願助成事業採択.

4)      発明人:細谷肇,原田利夫,神宮正之,小保方富夫,石間経章,「冷凍装置の冷媒漏れ検出方法」(特願2007-902312007330日,(特開2008-24922620081016

5)      発明人:荒木幹也,藤原康裕,志賀聖一,石間経章,小保方富夫,出願人:国立大学法人群馬大学,IP19-041,“気体燃料インジェクタの瞬間流量計測方法”,特願2007-179982200779日出願.

6)      発明人:荒木幹也,曽根祐輔,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,出願人:国立大学法人群馬大学,独立行政法人宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA),IP19-036,“音響計測装置及び音響計測方法”,特願2007-1811462007710日出願.

7)      発明人:荒木幹也,曽根祐輔,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,出願人:国立大学法人群馬大学,独立行政法人宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA),“音響計測装置及び音響計測方法”,PCT出願:PCT/JP2008/0624852008710日出願,出願予定国:米国,英国,独国,仏国,露国,JST国際特許出願助成事業採択.

8)      発明人:荒木幹也,佐野透貴,福田将之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,小島孝之,田口秀之,出願人:国立大学法人群馬大学,IP20-032,“噴流騒音防止方法および噴流ノズル”,特願2008-1932332008728日出願.

9)      発明人:荒木幹也,佐野透貴,福田将之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,小島孝之,田口秀之,出願人:国立大学法人群馬大学,IP20-032,“噴流騒音防止方法および噴流ノズル”,PCT出願決定,出願予定国:米国,JST国際特許出願助成事業採択.発明人:荒木 幹也,志賀 聖一,石間 経章,小保方 富夫,中村 壽雄,藤原 康裕,IP16-077,「気体燃料インジェクタの瞬間流量計測装置」(特願2005-095570),2005329日出願.


(5) Others その他)

Explanation and information papers in Journal (総説・解説)

1)      浅沼 強・小保方富夫; 内燃機関における燃焼過程の物理的計測, 応用物理、 45-11(1976-11) 1061-1068

2)      浅沼 強・小保方富夫; レーザ流速計による測定、 流体工学、 13-6(1977-6) 329-340

3)      小保方富夫; レーザ流速計による筒内ガス流動の測定、 内燃機関、  16-203(1977-11) 51-60.

4)      小保方富夫; LDV計測における散乱用粒子とその供給法、 内燃機関、 23-295 (1984-6) 15-20.

5)      小保方富夫; 火花点火機関内ガス流動のLDV計測、 内燃機関、 23-295(1984-6) 38-46.

6)      小保方富夫; シリンダ内旋回流の減衰特性 (エンジン、 水模型、 数値実験の比較)、 流れの計測、 4-6(1986-6) 10-19.

7)      小保方富夫; エンジンにおけるレーザ計測技術、 自動車技術、 41-12(1987-11) 1355-1363

8)      小保方富夫; ヨーロッパのエンジン研究とレーザ計測、内燃機関、28360(198910)5768

9)      小保方富夫; 位相ドップラー法による測定、エアロゾル研究、71(1992)49

10)   小保方富夫; 海外紀行 リスボン−ルアンの熱い夏, 国際会議(ALTFM`94,  ICLASS`94) 報告,内燃機関, 33-423(1995), 24-34.

11)   小保方富夫; 噴霧のレーザ応用計測(1).微粒化,Vol.4−2,No.8,(1995)44-52

12)   小保方富夫; 噴霧のレーザ応用計測(2).微粒化,Vol.5−1,No.9(199)40-44.

13)   小保方富夫; 噴霧のレーザ応用計測(3).微粒化,Vol.5−2,No.10, (1996)80-83.

14)   小保方富夫, レーザ技術の流体力学への応用, 微粒化,Vol.54No.12, (1996)204-211

15)   小保方富夫,レーザ計測のエンジンへの応用,自動車技術,50-4, (1996)39-44

16)   小保方富夫,赴日予備学校教師の中国体験,微粒化, 7-17, pp.323-332., (1998)

17)   小保方 富夫, 志賀 聖一,レーザ計測法の燃焼基礎研究への応用,自動車技術, 7-17pp.323-332, (2001/03)

18)   小保方富夫,レーザ計測マイクロ化の限界と挑戦,日本ガスタービン学会誌, 29-.4,pp.255-261, (2001/07)

19)   小保方富夫,群馬大学工学部エネルギーシステム工学第2研究室,可視化情報, 21-82,pp.35-36, (2001)

20)   小保方富夫,工学教育改革と社会的評価,HiKaLo技術情報誌(北関東産官学研究会),No.3pp.33-342001/12

21)   小保方富夫,2nd SAE-India Mobility Conference に参加して,日本陸用内燃機関協会誌, No.468pp.79-82, (2002/07)

22)   小保方富夫,新井幹彦,赤石尚志,赤石充聡,軸流送風機用ケースの最適化,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.7pp.26-302002/12

23)   小保方富夫, 淺沼強,斉藤芳郎,谷田好通,観覧車に乗って−水回転翼列試験機における旋回失速の可視化実験−,可視化情報,シンポジウム30周年記念誌, 22-Suppl.No.2,pp.20-21, (2003/02)

24)   小保方 富夫, 石間 経章,燃料噴射率及び管内脈動流の測定,自動車技術, 57-4,pp.52-57, (2003/04)

25)   野村友和,小保方富夫,流れの計測とシミュレーション,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.10pp.20-232003/9

26)   石間経章,小保方富夫,小型レーザドップラ式流量計用信号処理機の開発,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.12pp.29-302004/3

27)   石間経章,小保方富夫,ごく小さい隙間に入り込む水の薄膜挙動解析に関する研究,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.1314pp.39-402004/7

28)   小保方富夫,海外の技術者資格と技術者教育認定制度の現状,自動車技術, Vol.58, No.10pp.83-88, 2004/10

29)   小保方富夫,レーザー流速計の最新技術,レーザー研究, Vol.33No.3, pp.168-174, (2005/03)

30)   石間経章,小保方富夫,極く小さい隙間にある水薄膜挙動に関する基礎研究,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.17pp.31-322005/4

31)   小保方富夫,熱予混合ディーゼル燃焼と自動車用動力システムの先進技術,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.20pp.3-62006/1

32)   馬場泰一,小保方富夫,荒木幹也,マグネシウムピストンの実用化に関する潤滑機構の解明,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.20pp.24-282006/1

33)   小保方富夫,巻頭言「星の誕生」,HiKaLo技術情報誌No.22pp.12006/8

34)   小保方富夫,巻頭言「私的なイノベーション」,自動車技術会関東支部報「高翔」,No.46pp.2-3(2006/10)

35)   小保方富夫,21世紀への節目を越えてHiKaLo技術情報誌,第2324号,pp.14-172006/12

36)   小保方富夫,地域に根ざし,地球規模で考える「先進・高度ものづくりリーダーの育成」HiKaLo技術情報誌,No.26pp.41-492007/7

37)   小保方富夫,IEA/CERT/JECC 燃焼研究の30年,日本エネルギー学会誌,86-12(2007/12),pp.1010-1013

38)   小保方富夫監修,新井雅隆,古畑朋彦共著,“英和対照「工学基礎テキスト」シリーズ・熱力学”,国立大学法人群馬大学留学生センター桐生分室,経済産業省・文部科学省「アジア人財資金構想」高度専門留学生育成事業,20083月.

39)   小保方富夫監修,石間経章,天谷賢児共著,“英和対照「工学基礎テキスト」シリーズ・流体力学”,国立大学法人群馬大学留学生センター桐生分室,経済産業省・文部科学省「アジア人財資金構想」高度専門留学生育成事業,20083月.

40)   小保方富夫監修,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,マチャコン・ヘルチェル・タデュース共著,“英和対照「工学基礎テキスト」シリーズ・内燃機関”,国立大学法人群馬大学留学生センター桐生分室,経済産業省・文部科学省「アジア人財資金構想」高度専門留学生育成事業,20083月.

41)   小保方富夫,平成19年度高度専門留学生育成事業「地域に根ざし,地球規模で考える先進・高度ものづくりリーダーの育成」,プロジェクト発足式報告,HiKaLo技術情報誌,No.28pp.20-232008/1

42)   小保方富夫,ペルーの大学事情,HiKaLo技術情報誌,No.29pp.23-252008/4

43)   荒木幹也,小保方富夫,石間経章,志賀聖一,増渕匡彦,杉本知士郎,“解説記事:超音波振動とマイクロノズルアレイを用いた燃料噴射弁(A Fuel Injector Using Ultrasonic Oscillation and a Micro Nozzle Array)”,自動車技術,日本自動車技術会,20087月,Vol.62No.7pp.39-44

44)   小保方富夫,(巻頭言)技術の窓「エンジンの計測屋に将来はあるか?」,自動車技術,Vol.63No.1(2009-1)pp. 2-3.

45)   小保方富夫,園田智子,三好京子,日本留学フェア(タイ)参加報告,HiKaLo技術情報誌,No.32pp.22-262009/1

46)   小保方富夫,群馬大学工業会中国支部設立の経過報告,HiKaLo技術情報誌,No.32pp.29-322009/1

47)   小保方富夫,研究エッセー「燃焼診断事始」,日本機械学会エンジンシステム部門ニュースレター,No.42(2009-2)pp.6-9

48)   荒木幹也,小保方富夫,アジア人財資金構想海外学生募集「インド・シンガポール訪問報告」,HiKaLo技術情報誌,No.33pp.24-272009/4


Bulletin papers inside the organization(紀要)

1)        浅沼 強・川合一郎・小保方富夫; 層流型流量計による間歇流の測定、 自動車技術会報告(1969-5), 19-24.

2)        Asanuma, T., Obokata, T. and Kawai, I.; Measurement of Intermittent Air Flow by Laminar Flowmeter, Special Issue of JARI Technical Memorandum (1970-3), 11-16, (JARI: 日本自動車研究所).

3)        浅沼 強・小保方富夫; 燃焼室内の渦流に関する研究、 日本自動車研究所研究速報, 2(1971-9), 97-104.

4)        Asanuma, T. and Obokata, T.; Air Swirl Motion in Cylinder of a Spark Ignition Engine, JARI Technical Memorandum, 2(1971-9), 71-78.

5)        Nagashima, T., Asanuma, T. and Obokata, T.; Experiment of Supersonic Air Intake Bazz, I.S.A.S. (東京大学宇宙航空研究所) Report No.481 (1972-3), 165-209.

6)        浅沼 強・小保方富夫; 燃焼室内の渦流に関する研究, 日本自動車研究所研究速報, 10(1972-9), 45-57.

7)        Asanuma, T. and Obokata, T.; Decay of Air Swirl Motion in an Engine Cylinder JARI Tech. Memo. 10(1972-12), 47-58.

8)        浅沼 強・小保方富夫・長島利夫;  超音速空気取入口のバズに関する実験的研究、 東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告, 9-2(1973-6), 499-541.

9)        浅沼 強・小保方富夫; 燃焼室内の渦流に関する研究、 日本自動車研究所研究速報、 15(1973-9) 29-36.

10)     Asanuma, T. and Obokata, T.; Decay of Air Swirl Motion in an Engine Cylinder JARI Tech. Memo.15 (1973-12) 14-24.

11)     浅沼 強・小保方富夫・寺沼 ; 多孔板によるスワールと乱れの制御、 日本自動車研究所研究速報、30(1974-9)  97-106.

12)     浅沼 強・小保方富夫;  レーザ・ドップラー流速計によるシリンダ内旋回流の測定、 日本自動車研究所研究速報, 43(1975-12), 84-94.

13)     浅沼 強・小保方富夫;  レーザ・ドップラ流速計によるスキッシュ流の測定、 日本自動車研究所研究速報, 61(1977-7), 12-18.

14)     浅沼 強・小保方富夫; シリンダ内ガス流動の測定と解析、 日本自動車研究所研究報告、 57(1978-11) 140-150.

15)     Obokata, T., Okajima, A. and Tanida, Y.; Flow and Temperature Fields around a Heated Circular Cylinder in a Fluctuating Flow of Low Reynolds Number - A Numerical Study on Thermo-Fluiddynamic Response of the Hot-Wire, I.S.A.S. Report No.566 (1978-12), 271-287.

16)     Asanuma, T. and Obokata, T.; Gas Velocity Measurements of a Motored and Firing Engine by Laser Anemometry, Report of Tokai Univ.-Tech. Univ. Budapest Joint Symposium 1979(1980), 18-23.

17)     小保方富夫;レーザ流速計による内燃機関内変動流の連続測定, 松貿技報, No.3 (1983-10), 15-20.

18)     小保方富夫;コンピュータ利用教育の問題点と今後の展望、群馬大学情報処理センター年報、No.6(1991)6568


(6) Oral presentation papers in domestic proceedings at 2002-2009



1)      荒木幹也,HUANG Zuohua,上田隆正,KAMARUL Ezambin,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,石間経章,小保方富夫,津江光洋,河野通方,“急速圧縮機による圧縮天然ガス火花点火成層燃焼の基礎燃焼特性”,第40回燃焼シンポジウム(大阪),日本燃焼学会,2002124日.

2)      松本裕,堀越順,林茂,山田秀志,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“ジェットエンジンバーナ用噴射弁に対する衝突微粒化適用の効果”,第11回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,横浜,(2002-12), 204-207.

3)      許成軍,山本裕之,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,林茂,山田秀志,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“壁面衝突微粒化方式における微粒化促進の効果とその機構”,第11回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,横浜,(2002-12), 208-211.

4)      カマル・イザム,上田隆正,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,宮下直幸,小保方富夫,津江光洋,河野通方,“急速圧縮機によるCNG直接噴射火花点火成層燃焼の研究”,第12回日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集,2003.7.30-31, 札幌,p.310-31

5)      新井正明,石間経章,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,中村壽雄,“サイドジェットによる超音速ジェットのスクリーチ低減”,日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集,2003-8,徳島,Vol. 7 pp. 305-306

6)      堀越順,山田秀志,林茂,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“エアーブラスト式噴射弁への壁面衝突微粒化適用の効果”,日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集,2003-8,徳島,Vol. 3 pp. 67-68

7)      荒木幹也,許成軍,山本裕之,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,林茂,山田秀志,小保方富夫,“壁面衝突を用いた高速液体噴流の微粒化機構”,日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集,2003-8,徳島,Vol. 3 pp. 65-66

8)      海野達仁,松田智之,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“傘状噴霧予混合ディーゼル機関の燃焼特性”,日本機械学会関東支部10周年記念ブロック合同講演会-2003桐生-講演論文集,No.030-22003-9),pp.31-32

9)      湯沢義晴,八木啓太,志賀聖一,西田憲二,八木静夫,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“吸気弁遅閉じ超過膨張サイクルにおける燃焼改善と希薄燃焼による熱効率向上の可能性”,日本機械学会関東支部10周年記念ブロック合同講演会-2003桐生-講演論文集,No.030-22003-9),pp.33-34

10)   前原光宏,中島邦明,内山浩三,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“2ストローク火花点火機関における圧縮天然ガス掃気孔噴射運転の最適化“,日本機械学会関東支部10周年記念ブロック合同講演会-2003桐生-講演論文集,No.030-22003-9, pp.35-36

11)   堀越順,山田秀志,林茂,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“ジェットエンジン用燃料噴射弁への壁面衝突微粒化適用の効果“,日本機械学会関東支部10周年記念ブロック合同講演会-2003桐生-講演論文集,No.030-22003-9, pp.147-148

12)   新井大二郎,許成軍,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,山田秀志,林茂,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“定常高速液体噴流の壁面衝突が微粒化に及ぼす影響“,日本機械学会関東支部10周年記念ブロック合同講演会-2003桐生-講演論文集,No.030-22003-9, pp.149-150

13)   湯沢義晴,八木啓太,西田憲二,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“吸気弁遅閉じ超過膨張サイクルによる図示熱効率50%達成の可能性”,第41回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2003-12,つくば,pp. 273-274

14)   前原光宏,中島邦明,内山浩三,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,CNG二ストローク火花点火機関における掃気孔噴射運転の最適化,第41回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2003-12,つくば,pp. 277-278

15)   カマル・イザム,宮下直幸,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,上田隆正,津江光洋,河野通方,急速圧縮機を用いた空気導入式ノズルでの天然ガス燃焼特性,第41回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2003-12,つくば,pp. 347-348

16)   堀越順,山田秀志,林茂,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,衝突微粒化型ジェットエンジン用燃料噴射弁における壁面形状の効果,第12回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,2003-12,東京,pp. 321-324

17)   海野達仁,松田智之,小保方富夫,石間経章,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,隆武強,村上顕,“傘状噴霧を用いた予混合ディーゼル燃焼における圧縮比の影響”,日本自動車技術会2004年秋季大会,2004-10,仙台.(海野:2004年度大学院研究奨励賞)

18)   山名康介,湯沢義晴,西田憲二,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“吸気弁遅閉じ超過膨張サイクルガソリン機関”,日本自動車技術会2004年秋季大会,2004-10,仙台.

19)   宮下直幸,菊地将人,上田隆正,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,津江光洋,河野通方,“CNGを用いた筒内直接噴射成層燃焼における超希薄燃焼特性”,第42回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2004-12,岐阜,pp. 59-60

20)   堀越順,山田秀志,林茂,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,中村壽雄,“噴射弁形状変化によるジェットエンジン用燃料噴射弁の微粒化改善の試み”,第13回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,2004-12,東京,pp. 105-108

21)   新井大二郎,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,山田秀志,林茂,小保方富夫,中村寿雄,“壁面衝突微粒化におけるノズル直径とSMDの関係”,第13回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,2004-12,東京,pp. 209-212

22)   陸皓,楊笑風,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,石間経章,小保方富夫,“予混合ディーゼルエンジン用傘状噴霧の数値シミュレーション”,第13回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,2004-12,東京,pp. -

23)   桑原孝輔,荒木幹也,新井正明,石間経章,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,“サイドジェットが超音速ジェットのスクリーチ低減に及ぼす影響”,第45回航空原動機・宇宙推進講演会(AJCPP2005)論文集(CD-Rom),2005-01,北九州.

24)   菊池健司,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“間欠高速天然ガス噴流の発達挙動(Development of an Intermittent High-Speed Natural Gas Jet)”,第33回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集,2005-07,東京,pp. 449 - 452

25)   田村貴洋,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,山田秀志,林茂,小保方富夫,“ジェットエンジン噴射弁における壁面衝突微粒化に及ぼすノズル諸元の影響(Effect of Nozzle Dimension on the Liquid Atomization in a Jet Engine Atomizer with Wall Impingement)”,第14回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,2005-11,八戸,pp. 99-102

26)   嶋田祥之,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,山田秀志,林茂,小保方富夫,“固体壁面に衝突する液体自由噴流の微粒化機構に関する考察(An Insight into the Mechanism of Liquid Atomization of a Free Liquid Jet Impinging on a Solid Surface)”,第14回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,2005-11,八戸,pp. 143–146

27)   荒木幹也,嶋津有宏,小保方富夫,石間経章,志賀聖一,増渕匡彦,杉本知士郎,“マイクロノズルアレイからの燃料噴霧の微粒化特性”,第14回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,2005-11,八戸,pp. 217–220

28)   菊地将人,上田隆正,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,津江光洋,河野通方,“CNG を用いた筒内直接噴射成層燃焼における燃料噴射弁位置と噴射圧力の影響”,第43回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2005-12,東京,pp. 59-60

29)   荒木幹也,新井正明,岡本光司,石間経章,小保方富夫,“LDAを用いたマイクロショックチューブ内の流速測定(Velocity measurement inside a micro shock tube using an LDA)”,高速度撮影とフォトニクスに関する総合シンポジウム2005講演論文集(CD-Rom),20051215-17日,東京,6ページ.

30)   柳沢雅俊,菊池健司,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“高圧雰囲気場における高速非定常CNG噴流の発達過程”,第34回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集,20067月,東京,pp.249-252

31)   田村貴洋,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,山田秀志,林茂,小保方富夫,“ジェットエンジン用燃料噴射弁の形状が壁面衝突微粒化特性に及ぼす影響”,第15回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,20061221日〜22日,横浜,pp. 79–82

32)   嶋田祥之,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,山田秀志,林茂,小保方富夫,“壁面衝突により生成した液膜の微粒化におけるノズル直径因子に関する一考察”,第15回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,20061221日〜22日,横浜,pp. 79–82

33)   菊地将人,上田隆正,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,津江光洋,河野通方,“燃料噴流によるCNG直接噴射燃焼の制御”,第44回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2006126日〜8日,広島,pp. 300-301

34)   藤原康裕,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“気体燃料噴射率計の計測精度に関する研究”,第19回内燃機関シンポジウム講演論文集,200719日〜11日,東京,pp. 171-176

35)   中村浩士,福島剛典,岸本秀雄,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“天然ガス掃気孔噴射2ストローク火花点火機関における機関性能最適化に関する研究”,第19回内燃機関シンポジウム講演論文集,200719日〜11日,東京,pp. 513-518

36)   坂田祐一,山名康介,西田憲二,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“吸気弁遅閉じ超過膨張サイクルガソリン機関の最適化に関する研究”,第19回内燃機関シンポジウム講演論文集,200719日〜11日,東京,pp. 267-272

37)   佐野貴透,荒木幹也,曽根祐輔,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,“空力タブを用いた矩形プラグノズル排気の騒音低減”,平成18年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム講演論文集,2007118日,相模原,pp. 25-28

38)   柳沢雅俊,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,上田隆正,津江光洋,河野通方,“ミー散乱法を用いた高速非定常気体噴流の濃度計測”,第35回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集,2007724日〜25日,東京,pp.89-92

39)   楊宏宇,荒木幹也,小保方富夫,石間経章,志賀聖一,原敏志,増渕匡彦,杉本知士郎,“ホーン形状変化によるマイクロノズルアレイ超音波ガソリン噴射弁の噴霧特性改善”,第16回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,20071220日〜21日,大阪,pp. 186–189

40)   田村貴洋,山田秀志,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,林茂,小保方富夫,“壁面衝突微粒化を用いたジェットエンジン用燃料噴射弁の形状変化に伴う微粒化特性の影響”,16回微粒化シンポジウム講演論文集,20071220日〜21日,大阪,pp. 303–306

41)   川和悟,菊地将人,上田隆正,荒木幹也,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,津江光洋,河野通方,“CNGを用いた筒内直接噴射成層燃焼におけるNOx低減の可能性” ,第45回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2007125日〜7日,仙台,pp. 12-13

42)   Lei CHEN, Ryosuke SHIINA, Mikiya ARAKI, Seiichi SHIGA, Hisao NAKAMURA, Tomio OBOKATA, “The Performance of an Engine Fueled with Lower Calorific Gases”, 45回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2007125日〜7日,仙台,pp. 274-275

43)   福田将之,佐野貴透,荒木幹也,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,“空力タブを用いた極超音速ターボジェットエンジンの排気騒音低減に関する研究”,平成19年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム講演論文集,2008128日〜29日,相模原,pp.37-39

44)   佐野貴透,曽根祐輔,福田将之,荒木幹也,小島孝之,田口秀之,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,“シュリーレン法とアーベル変換を用いた超音速噴流騒音の可視化”,第36回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集,2008722日〜23日,東京,pp.47-52

45)   荒木幹也,藤原康裕,志賀聖一,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“自動車用ガス燃料インジェクタの瞬間流量計測”,日本機械学会2008年度年次大会講演論文集,200883日〜7日,横浜,講演番号2220

46)   清水貴之,坂田祐一,山名康介,西田憲二,志賀聖一,荒木幹也,中村壽雄,小保方富夫,“過給導入による吸気弁遅閉じ超過膨張サイクルガソリン機関の特性”,日本機械学会2008年度年次大会講演論文集,200883日〜7日,横浜,講演番号2317

47)   鈴木秀和,石間経章,馬場泰一,小保方富夫,ピストン系の油膜挙動解析,トライボロジー会議予稿集 (名古屋 2008-9)p.5-6 (2)

48)     鈴木秀和,石間経章,馬場泰一,小保方富夫,ガソリンエンジンにおけるピストンスカート部のフリクション低減に関する研究,日本機械学会東北支部第44期秋季講演会(2008-9),講演論文集,No.2008-2, p.65-66 (2)

49)   鈴木秀和,石間経章,小保方富夫,馬場泰一,ピストンスカート摺動部へのオイル流入に関する一考察,自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集No.148-082008-10, p.1-4 (4)

50)   佐野貴透,福田将之,荒木幹也,小島孝之,田口秀之,西田俊介,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,津江光洋,矩形プラグノズルから放出されるジェット騒音におよぼす全温およびアフターバーナの影響,第46回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2008123日〜5日,京都,pp.328-329

51)   陳雷,椎名亮介,荒木幹也,川和悟,中村壽雄,志賀聖一,小保方富夫,模擬バイオガス燃料の火花点火機関燃焼における燃料複合化の効果,第46回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集,2008123日〜5日,京都,pp.298-299

52)   芳賀健太(群馬大学大学院),津田康裕(坂本工業),石間経章(群馬大学),松村修二(群馬大学),小保方富夫(群馬大学), 自動車用排気管集合部での流れの可視化実験,可視化情報全国講演会(釧路2008)講演論文集,No.C212,釧路,2ページ

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